• Sun. Oct 6th, 2024

ConnectWise announced ConnectWise Sidekick™

Nov 10, 2023

Designed for faster problem resolution, automation of complex tasks, and increased efficiency

At the largest technology conference in the IT channel ecosystem for technology solution providers (TSPs), ConnectWise, the world’s leading software company dedicated to the success of TSPs, unveiled ConnectWise Sidekick™, an innovative AI companion designed to enhance efficiency and ingenuity for TSPs and small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). ConnectWise Sidekick is immediately available across Business Management and Unified Monitoring & Management solution portfolios.

ConnectWise Sidekick leverages ConnectWise’s proprietary generative AI models and industry-leading large language models to enable TSPs and their SMB clients to utilize natural-language prompts for automation and timesaving. It automates tasks such as generating PowerShell scripts, ticket categorization, summarization, providing resolutions, and automated responses to end users. By prioritizing daily tasks and addressing critical problems first, ConnectWise Sidekick increases team productivity and optimizes operations.

“Imagine a world where manual tasks fade, and customer issues are met with seamless responses and without the need to add more resources—this is the power of ConnectWise Sidekick,” said Raghu Bongula, Chief Technology Officer at ConnectWise. “We are enabling more intelligent and more innovative ways for TSPs to support and drive greater satisfaction to SMBs. ConnectWise Sidekick is the only purpose-built solution that provides value for every persona/role across the TSP.”

ConnectWise Sidekick is a purpose-built tool for the IT channel that enhances business efficiency through hyperautomation and AI. It automates triage, summarization, and resolution suggestions, resulting in faster service ticket resolution times and consistent exceptional customer experiences. By streamlining ticket management, ConnectWise Sidekick enables technicians to work efficiently and effectively. The bot centralizes information access within Microsoft Teams and facilitates streamlined updates for all teams.

ConnectWise Sidekick delivers millions of AI-powered predictions daily across ConnectWise’s suite of solutions. The aim is to make every organizational role more efficient, from technicians to service managers, sales and marketing, and owners. AI is utilized across sales modules, finance modules, agreements and invoicing, project management modules, and time management modules to drive efficiency and resource optimization. ConnectWise also provides documentation modules with semantic search capabilities for more relevant information retrieval.

“ConnectWise Sidekick for PSA is what our partners have been waiting for when seeking enhanced efficiency and exceptional customer experiences,” said Jake Varghese, Executive Vice President and General Manager, Business Management at ConnectWise. “By eliminating information barriers and enabling automated updates through Microsoft Teams, this powerful tool streamlines ticket resolution and automates triage, providing resolution suggestions with AI and hyperautomation capabilities. The innovation puts teams ahead of the game by removing barriers and facilitating seamless data consumption within the organization.”

“Every hero needs a sidekick,” continued Varghese. “True to its sense, ConnectWise Sidekick aims to make every organizational role more efficient, whether you’re a technician, service manager, sales and marketing, or the owner.”

ConnectWise is a global leader in AI-driven solutions that optimizes and simplifies businesses worldwide. With offerings such as RMM and PSA, cybersecurity, and centralized solutions under the ConnectWise Asio™ platform, ConnectWise enables productivity in the IT channel ecosystem.

The post ConnectWise announced ConnectWise Sidekick™ first appeared on AI-TechPark.

[Source: AI Techpark]

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