• Sun. Jun 30th, 2024

Month: June 2024

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  • Transformers 4.42 by Hugging Face: Unleashing Gemma 2, RT-DETR, InstructBlip, LLaVa-NeXT-Video, Enhanced Tool Usage, RAG Support, GGUF Fine-Tuning, and Quantized KV Cache

Transformers 4.42 by Hugging Face: Unleashing Gemma 2, RT-DETR, InstructBlip, LLaVa-NeXT-Video, Enhanced Tool Usage, RAG Support, GGUF Fine-Tuning, and Quantized KV Cache

Hugging Face has announced the release of Transformers version 4.42, which brings many new features and enhancements to the popular machine-learning library. This release introduces several advanced models, supports new…

This AI Paper from UC Berkeley Research Highlights How Task Decomposition Breaks the Safety of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems, Leading to Misuse

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are rigorously tested before they are released to determine whether they can be used for dangerous activities like bioterrorism, manipulation, or automated cybercrimes. This is especially…

Role of LLMs like ChatGPT in Scientific Research: The Integration of Scalable AI and High-Performance Computing to Address Complex Challenges and Accelerate Discovery Across Diverse Fields

In the contemporary landscape of scientific research, the transformative potential of AI has become increasingly evident. This is particularly true when applying scalable AI systems to high-performance computing (HPC) platforms.…

Google DeepMind Introduces WARP: A Novel Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback RLHF Method to Align LLMs and Optimize the KL-Reward Pareto Front of Solutions

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) encourages generations to have high rewards, using a reward model trained on human preferences to align large language models (LLMs). However, RLHF has several…

Leveraging AlphaFold and AI for Rapid Discovery of Targeted Treatments for Liver Cancer

Accelerating Drug Discovery with AI: The Role of AlphaFold in Targeting Liver Cancer: AI is significantly transforming the field of drug discovery, offering new ways to design and synthesize medicines…

A Comprehensive Overview of Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT

Prompt engineering is crucial to leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities, enabling users to elicit relevant, accurate, high-quality responses from the model. As language models like ChatGPT become more sophisticated, mastering the art…

CMU Researchers Propose In-Context Abstraction Learning (ICAL): An AI Method that Builds a Memory of Multimodal Experience Insights from Sub-Optimal Demonstrations and Human Feedback

Humans are versatile; they can quickly apply what they’ve learned from little examples to larger contexts by combining new and old information. Not only can they foresee possible setbacks and…

LongVA and the Impact of Long Context Transfer in Visual Processing: Enhancing Large Multimodal Models for Long Video Sequences

The field of research focuses on enhancing large multimodal models (LMMs) to process and understand extremely long video sequences. Video sequences offer valuable temporal information, but current LMMs need help…

OpenAI Introduces CriticGPT: A New Artificial Intelligence AI Model based on GPT-4 to Catch Errors in ChatGPT’s Code Output

In the rapidly advancing field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is crucial to assess the outputs of models accurately. State-of-the-art AI systems, such as those built on the GPT-4 architecture,…

CharXiv: A Comprehensive Evaluation Suite Advancing Multimodal Large Language Models Through Realistic Chart Understanding Benchmarks

Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) are advancing the integration of NLP and computer vision, essential for analyzing visual and textual data. These models are particularly valuable for interpreting complex charts…